Nestled amidst the bustling energy of Tạ Hiện Street, Hanoi Ơi Bar & Bistro offers a unique chill-out space with signature cocktails you won’t find anywhere else. If you’re looking for a place to enjoy great music, delicious drinks, and a vibrant atmosphere, this is the spot for you!
A Perfect Chill Space in the Old Quarter
Located at 3 Tạ Hiện, Hanoi Ơi Bar & Bistro stands out in the heart of Hanoi’s nightlife hub. With a spacious 13-meter sidewalk, it’s the ideal place to sip cocktails, watch the lively streets, enjoy the music, and connect with friends.
A Diverse and Unique Cocktail Menu
At Hanoi Ơi, you’ll discover cocktails crafted with a creative twist by skilled bartenders. From classic flavors to bold and innovative combinations, each drink tells its own unique story.
Fun and Entertainment Activities
Beyond great drinks, Hanoi Ơi Bar & Bistro adds an extra dose of fun with drinking games and engaging activities, making the experience even more lively and interactive.
Reserve Your Spot Today!
Secure the best seats to enjoy an unforgettable night with friends.
Address: 3 Ta Hien, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi